Prince Edward Island

Prince Edward Island

This is Canada’s smallest province, but it still packs a punch in terms of its stunning scenery and interesting things to do. The Confederation Trail follows the abandoned railway line and you can traverse the entire province, cycling 435 km of fairly flat trails through quaint villages and quiet inlets. With 1 100 km of shoreline, there are great opportunities for lots of relaxing beach time. There are many beaches featuring the unusual red sands and red sandstone cliffs. The famous novel “Ann of Green Gables”, set on Prince Edward Island, has inspired the Green Gables Heritage Place, where you can soak up the atmosphere of the book in a fully renovated period house. Charlottetown, the capital city, is  a picturesque seaside town that is the birthplace of Confederation. Province House is where The Charlottetown Conference took place in 1864 which led to the formation of Canada. The town has a walkable downtown core with many old historic homes and the beautiful St Dunstan’s Basilica. The island lends itself to camping trips, and the Prince Edward Island National Park offers group camping facilities where natural and cultural history really come alive at evening campfire activities. Interpreters present the park’s heritage through storytelling and skits with the aid of costumes and music. Contact one of our agents today so that we can put together a trip your students will always remember.

Optional Activities

West Edmonton Mall
West Edmonton Mall
Royal Alberta Museum
Royal Alberta Museum
Telus World of Science & IMAX
Telus World of Science & IMAX
Fort Edmonton
Fort Edmonton
Elk Island National Park - Educational Programs
Elk Island National Park - Educational Programs
Tour of the Legislature (with Scavenger Hunt)
Dinner Theatres
Dinner Theatres
Andy Devlin | Edmonton Oil Kings
Edmonton Oil Kings (seasonal)